Nu-folk Global Connections has the objective to create a European Folk Orchestra of 12 musicians from 6 countries, giving them the opportunity to realise an original production of contemporary folk music and to make it circulate across Europe.
Countries involved: Italy, Spain, Latvia, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark.
The “Open call for musicians” is now closed. We have received many applications from very interested and skilled folk musicians – we’re glad to say – and now Nufolk Global Connections has officially started! While the project begins, we have already arranged the kick-off meeting that took place at Womex, The World Music Expo, in Tampere (Finland) in end of October 2019.
Successful participants have been notified on November 1st 2019.
Deadline for applications: October 10th, 2019
Artists in residence: Catania, Sicily, January 6th to 15th, 2020
International tour
- Alkantara Fest, Sicily – July 29th, 2020
- Babel Sound, Balatonboglar, Hungary – July 24th 2021
- Halkaer Festival, Nibe, Denmark – August 6th, 2021
- Festival Dranouter, Belgium – August 8th, 2021
- Sviests Festival, Latvia – August 28th, 2021
- Camping El Garrofer, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain – September 23rd, 2021
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